One of the biggest problems that would-be Internet marketers face is where to get good content to fill up your web pages or blogs. This article looks at private label as being an ideal source, if you know how to use it the right way.
Content is King, for sure. The search engines are not interested in ranking thin, content-poor web pages and are actively working to adjust their algorithms to weed out those pages that don't provide useful information.
That makes it increasingly difficult for website builders because with the best will in the world, very few are ready, willing and able to continue to write an endless stream of quality content for themselves.
For many people writing is difficult to start with, but factor in the limited time that people have these days and the likelihood that however passionate you are about your niche, you'll soon run out of things to say, and it gets almost impossible.
And of course, if your web site is on a subject that you don't have personal knowledge or passion about, writing fresh content may be completely impossible for you.
All the evidence suggests, though, that the need for on-topic, well-written content is growing. The search engines have as good as said so and are now, more than ever before, looking to de-list sites that they consider to be lacking authority.
All this means that one supply of content that has gone in and out of fashion over the years, private label articles, it coming back with a vengeance.
Private label articles, or PLR articles as they are commonly known, are very cheap, but can totally transform your Internet marketing and web building.
PLR stands for private label rights and describes the licence you get for using them after you've bought them.
Private label means that once you've bought them, all rights of ownership are transferred to you. You then have the rights to treat the articles as your own, as if you had written them.
Unlike other ways of buying 'information', there is no copyright on PLR so you are free to change them, rewrite them, repurpose them, even put your own name on the top and claim authorship.
In general, you cannot resell them in an unchanged state, and many article directories do not allow you to post them, but other than that, they become yours to do with as you please.
That wide-ranging 'right of use' is a very powerful thing indeed and makes PLR one of the most undervalued heroes of online marketing. Far too few people have really understood just how many ways PLR articles (or even entire books) can be used, and how much money some people are making by using them.
Having said that, it is also important that you understand that as with many things, there is really good PLR material out there and a lot of absolute garbage.
Over the years a lot of really bad articles have been written, more often than not by people with really bad writing and language skills, that are identifiable as private label from a mile away. If you can see an article is badly written and makes no real attempt to cover its promised topic, you can bet the search engines can weed it out too. Using such trash doesn't do your site any good at all.
In fact, with new changes that Google have announced that will make it easier for them to weed out what they consider to be spam websites, using poor quality PLR can be really harmful to your business. So to that end, make sure you read what you buy and at the very least, rewrite it to correct blatant spelling and grammar errors. And if you can, add more meat to the thin articles as well.
You will often see offers online of thousands of articles being sold for peanuts. 10,000 articles for $10 is not unusual! Steer clear. The articles in these packages are almost all horrible. They have been around for many years, have been used to death and, all too often, are not PLR material at all - they have been stolen from non-plr websites. It is a case of buyer beware.
Luckily, there are many very reputable sources of great PLR articles. Some will sell you packages individually and others are membership sites that provide a steady stream of articles to their members.
Look to see examples of their work before you buy - all reputable PLR sellers will be happy to provide you with a sample or two if you email and ask - and check for spelling, grammar and language use. If they make mistakes in the articles they send out as samples, you can bet they are equally sloppy in what you'll buy.
Look also, for the articles to have a certain depth. A good article should read naturally and not appear as if it has been created purely as a keyword holder. And when you get the articles, rewrite them.
I know I said that PLR makes your life easier, and it does. It is far, far easier to rewrite an article into your own words - just take it one sentence at a time - than it is to research and write a new article from scratch.
You'll save a huge amount of time and effort, but the end result will be content on your website that is fresh, relevant, authoritative and, to the search engines, exactly what is needed. And that is money in the bank.
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